Inclusion & Diversity
All for Good.
CMI Media Group was built on inclusion and diversity. It’s in our DNA and Core Values. Challenging the norm is where we started and it’s what drives us as a health leader, indispensable partner, and home for our employees. We are a group of hearts and minds who want to make a difference and celebrate being different, to give voice to and truly hear our people and our partners. We believe in more than “all.” We believe in “all for good.”
Outcomes and Goals
CMI Media Group takes all for good to heart. We hold ourselves accountable by auditing our performance and providing transparent reporting back to our people. We invite them to have a seat at the table by collecting their sentiments and tracking progress on employee education and behaviors that demonstrate their empathy and understanding. We provide programming on Belonging, Inclusion, and Valuing Diverse Perspectives. We are continuing to seek progress by increasing our offerings to employees that focus on a framework that includes service, education, advocacy and allyship. We promise to continue to measure our progress, reflect on what we’ve learned, and push forward together.
Employee Community Groups (ECGs) are employee-led groups that advance inclusion, equity, belonging, and diversity outcomes, while aligning with our company’s purpose and values. Employee Community Groups are incredibly important to how we operate because they give voice to our employees, impact our business, and demonstrate how we serve our communities.

The CMI Media Group Employee Community Groups exist to educate, support, and celebrate our employees and what makes them unique. While each of our ECGs works to achieve a different goal, our common thread is to impact positive change for our CMI Media Group family and the greater community.

Get to know the CMI Media Group ECGs:

AZAP is a resource for Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees and allies. Their mission is to promote AAPI educational, cultural, and social awareness among our colleagues and communities.

BRAAVE brings awareness to the African American community by giving individuals a voice, inspiring positive action, and creating allyship across our employees, clients, and the larger community. BRAAVE stands for Bringing Relevance to the African American Vision & Experience.

The (HER)story ECG creates a forum for bringing awareness to societal and workplace inequities uniquely affecting women, while also celebrating progress made by the trailblazers before us. Here, Everyone’s Responsible.

Mi Gente Unidos celebrates the Hispanic/Latinx culture and its wonderful impact on the US culture. This group amplifies the richness of the Hispanic/Latinx community through activities, education, and camaraderie Mi Gente Unidos translates to My People United.

PLUS+ exists to educate and raise awareness for the LGBTQ+ community. It is a safe space for dialogue that builds respect, empathy, and inclusion for our organization, as well as forming and expanding partnerships and giving back through community outreach. PLUS+ stands for Promoting LGBTQ+ Understanding and Solidarity.

Shalom promotes a strong understanding of Judaism to foster a climate of camaraderie and respect through a powerful understanding of and appreciation for the Jewish heritage.

Thrive was created to encourage acceptance of our physical, mental, and emotional differences by reframing perceptions, celebrating diversity, and ultimately lifting up our employees to their greatest potential. We believe there are no weaknesses, only differences, and each makes us stronger as a whole.

GEMS was created for all employees who are new to agency life. Building these resources and connections will instill confidence to have long-term success in a new industry. GEMS stands for Growth, Empowerment, Motivate, and Succeed.